In eating disorder treatment or disordered eating recovery, additional resources such as podcasts and books can offer valuable support and insight to individuals on their recovery journey.
Podcasts hosted by mental health professionals or individuals with lived experiences can provide a sense of connection and validation, fostering a deeper understanding of eating disorders and the recovery process.
Likewise, books can offer insight regarding the common roots of disordered eating, cultural and historical context, and personal narratives that may validate your personal experience with body image and food.
By combining therapy with supplementary resources, individuals are afforded a more comprehensive toolkit to navigate the complexities of their eating disorder, promoting self-awareness, empowerment, and resilience. In between counselling appointments, it can be helpful to have books and podcasts you commonly engage with, to maintain momentum and support throughout your healing process.
Keep reading for my recommended podcasts and books 👇🏼
Podcasts for Disordered Eating Recovery
- Food Psyc with Christy Harrison (Entire podcast series)
- Rethinking Wellness, also, with Christy Harrison (Entire podcast series)
- Lindo Bacon on Health At Every Size (HAES) with Katie Dalebout on Let It Out
- Isabel Foxen-Duke on Emotional Eating with Katie Dalebout
- Sonya Renee Taylor “The Body is Not an Apology” with Brené Brown on Unlocking Us
- Why are we at war with our bodies and can we make peace? on We Can Do Hard Things
- How did we get trapped in this cage and how do we break free? on We Can Do Hard Things
- How to follow the wisdom of your body with Hillary McBride on We Can Do Hard Things
- You are your body with Hillary McBride on Everything Belongs
- How to Escape the Good Girl Trap with Elise Loehen on The Marie Forleo Podcast
Books for Eating Disorder Recovery
- The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor
- The Wisdom of Your Body and Practices for Embodied Living by Hillary McBride
- Anti-Diet and The Wellness Trap by Christy Harrison
- Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fatphobia by Sabrina Strings
- Intuitive Eating and The Intuitive Eating Workbook by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
- Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture by Virgina Sole-Smith
- On Our Best Behaviour: The 7 Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good by Elise Loehen